Turkey Silver 1293-1327 AH 5 Qirsh or Kurush al-Ghazi Abdul Hamid II Year 32
Description: An excellent very fine 5 Qirsh (kurush or piaster) silver coin from the Ottoman times. The coin was struck in Turkey during the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in the period 1876 - 1909 AD (1293-1327 AH) at Qustantiniyah (current day Istanbul) mint.
Date: The date on the coin is 1293 AH, which is Abdul Hamid accession date to the throne. The coin itself was struck in year 32 of his reign.
Size and Weight: This coin weighs~ 6 grams and is ~23 mm in diameter.
Reference It is KM# 737 with the word al-Ghazi at the right of the toughra.
Condition: I would grade this coin as an excellent very fine or better.
In Closing: This is a rare example of such a coin of low denomination, which were heavily circulated and used in commerce, in such a high grade. Please view the scan to appreciate the beauty and quality of the coin.